Fecomic’s Guide to Fall 2015 Anime: Prepare for the Weirdest Journey Ever!


Get Ready for a Mind-Blowing Experience

The Fall 2015 Anime season is here, and there’s one series that’s bound to leave you speechless: Concrete Revolutio. Get ready to dive into a world where superhumans, magical girls, and aliens coexist, and where nothing is as it seems. This anime series is a rollercoaster ride of nonsensical weirdness that will challenge your perception of what makes sense in a story.

The Weirdest Series of the Year

Concrete Revolutio is a series that defies all expectations. It’s so strange that it’s earned the title of the weirdest series of the year, surpassing even Punch Line in its level of absurdity. The challenge lies in how to rate a show that deliberately embraces incoherence. The solution? Give it a grade as abstract as the series itself. In this case, it’s rated “i,” the imaginary unit that represents the square root of -1 in Algebra.

A Delightfully Bizarre Premise

The story takes place in a world where superhumans with various abilities coexist, and a Superhuman Bureau has been established to manage their affairs. Kikko, a magical girl who used to work as a waitress, meets Jiro, a stylish individual with a mysterious past. Together, they navigate a world filled with fights, magic, and shape-shifting vehicles. But beware, the storytelling operates across multiple timelines, making it a challenge to keep track of what’s happening. Yet, this deliberate confusion adds to the charm of the series.

A Visual Explosion of Ideas and Style

Concrete Revolutio is not just a feast for your mind but also for your eyes. The artistry of the show is an explosion of ideas and style. Bold and unconventional, the art captures your attention with its offbeat coloring, unique backgrounds, and elaborate costumes. It’s reminiscent of Kyousogiga, yet stands out as a one-of-a-kind visual experience. Even the closing sequence is thoroughly weird, leaving you craving more.

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A First Episode that Leaves an Impression

The first episode of Concrete Revolutio may leave you feeling dizzy and craving for answers. But fear not, repeated viewings might reveal hidden depths and help you piece together the puzzle. As the series progresses, it promises to come together in a more coherent fashion. So hold on tight, because this mind-bending journey is just getting started.

Dive into Concrete Revolutio with Fecomic

If you’re looking for an anime experience like no other, Concrete Revolutio is the series for you. Fecomic recommends giving this wildly ambitious show a chance. Embrace the insanity, challenge your perceptions, and let your curiosity lead the way. Who knows what wonders and surprises await you in this hot mess of a series? Find out for yourself!
