Anonymous Noise Anime: A Captivating Shojo and Music Experience

anonymous noise anime

If you’re a fan of both shojo and music series like me, then Anonymous Noise is definitely worth checking out. This anime adaptation combines the best of both worlds, creating a match made in heaven. Let’s dive into the compelling story and see what it has to offer!

A Match Made in Music

The story revolves around Nino Arisugawa, a high school student with a deep passion for singing. When she comes across a performance by the school’s band club, she is reunited with her childhood friend, Kanda Yuzuriha (Yuzu). This encounter sets off a chain of events that will change Nino’s life forever.

A Powerful Melody of Love

Six years prior to the series, Nino met Yuzu while dealing with the heartbreak of her close friend and love interest, Momo Sakaki, moving away. Yuzu encouraged Nino to keep singing, believing that her voice would bring Momo back to her. Now, reunited with Yuzu, Nino is drawn into the world of music as she joins his band, In NO Hurry to Shout. Through their musical journey, Nino hopes to reconnect with Momo and heal her broken heart.

A Symphony of Love Triangle

With only 12 episodes, Anonymous Noise manages to pack a lot of drama and heartfelt moments. The series jumps between the past and present, filling in the relationship between the three main characters. As the story unfolds, we discover that both Yuzu and Momo are in love with Nino, while she still holds strong feelings for Momo. The tension and emotions run high as Yuzu befriends Momo, unknowingly becoming a rival for Nino’s affections.

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A Crescendo of Compelling Episodes

Despite its short run, Anonymous Noise delivers a captivating story. Each episode leaves you wanting more, with cliffhangers that keep you hooked until the very end. Pivotal scenes leave a lasting impression, and the overall anticipation leading up to these moments is masterfully executed.

A Melody of Passion and Determination

As someone who appreciates shojo and music, I admire the perfect balance Anonymous Noise strikes. Every choice made by the characters is driven by love, yet their dedication to In NO Hurry to Shout’s success shines through. Nino, Yuzu, and their bandmates, Haruyoshi and Kuro, put their all into their performances, leaving a powerful impact on viewers.

A Few Discordant Notes

The only aspects that might disappoint some viewers are the personalities of Momo and Yuzu. Momo’s initial interactions with Nino are cold and cruel, making it hard to believe she would continue to pursue him so earnestly. Yuzu, on the other hand, struggles with his own feelings for Nino, often wavering between confessing his love or remaining as friends to support her pursuit of Momo.

An Unfinished Symphony

One minor downside, unrelated to the anime itself, is that the story is left unfinished. The anime is based on an 18-volume manga series (available in English through VIZ Media), but it seems unlikely that there will be another season. Despite this, the anime explores many interesting plotlines and offers a satisfying experience.

A Visual and Musical Harmony

The animation, handled by studio Brain’s Base, is vibrant and detailed, faithfully capturing the essence of the manga. Character designs stay true to their counterparts, with expressive and captivating eyes. The use of 3D models during the band’s performances is seamless and adds depth to the visuals.

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A Melodious Soundtrack

Composer Narasaki deserves applause for creating a fantastic soundtrack. From energetic pop songs performed by In NO Hurry to Shout to more serene piano and guitar pieces, the music perfectly complements the lively and energetic nature of the characters. The opening theme, “High School,” and the ending theme, “Allegro,” beautifully capture the series’ tone.

Emotional Performances

The voice actors bring their characters to life with entertaining and memorable performances. Saori Hayami (Japanese) and Juliet Simmons (English) brilliantly portray Nino’s air-headed nature, while Daiki Yamashita (Japanese) and Bryson Baugus (English) capture Yuzu’s lovestruck yet whiny personality.

A Must-Have Collectible

Thanks to Anime Limited, Anonymous Noise is available on Blu-ray in the UK. The release includes all 12 episodes with both Japanese audio and an English dub. Bonus features include clean opening and ending videos, as well as trailers for the series.

Final Notes

Anonymous Noise is a compelling and unforgettable shojo series. Its dual focus on love and music creates a powerful combination that is hard to resist. With its engaging plot, vibrant animation, and outstanding soundtrack, this is a show that should not be missed by fans of the genre.

So gather your friends, grab some popcorn, and let Fecomic take you on an incredible journey filled with drama, passion, and the power of music. Fecomic awaits you!