Aoharu X Kikanjuu Ep 10

In this episode of Aoharu X Kikanjuu, prepare yourself for some jaw-dropping moments as Hotaru finally reveals her secret to her teammates. After regaining her confidence in the previous episode, she has decided that the time has come to let everyone know she is actually a girl. However, she can’t help but feel nervous about their reaction.

But hold on, before Hotaru spills the beans, she is invited by Masamune for a dinner with Toru. Sounds like the perfect opportunity to share her secret, right? However, Hotaru keeps stalling, unable to find the right moment to speak up.

What makes this episode particularly thrilling is that the suspense doesn’t come from guns and action, but rather from the dynamics between the characters. The way the narrative unfolds in this episode is truly remarkable, with so much being conveyed through the characters’ glances. During dinner, Toru keeps casting suspicious looks at Hotaru, as if sensing that something is off. Masamune, on the other hand, gives her serious glances, hinting that something significant is about to happen. The uncertainty of the moment makes this scene the most captivating one in the series so far, surpassing even their first confrontation with Midori. Hotaru is known for her honesty, so it’s likely that Masamune and Toru can sense that something is bothering her. In fact, the glances they exchange might suggest that they already know her secret. You might think that every time they interrupt her when she is about to reveal her secret is a sign that she doesn’t need to confess. But Hotaru finally gets her chance to speak, only to be interrupted by Masamune.

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To her shock, Masamune tells Hotaru to quit the team. At first, it seems as though he wants her gone because of her gender. However, that’s not the case. Masamune coldly reveals that he only brought Hotaru into the team to have a third member, and now that she has served her purpose, he wants her out. This unexpected twist takes center stage, overshadowing Hotaru’s secret.

But Toru can see right through Masamune’s act. He knows that Masamune actually wants Hotaru out because he believes their emotional baggage might hinder her love for survival gaming. In essence, Masamune thinks he might ruin the game for Hotaru. Toru is infuriated by this decision and confronts Masamune, asserting that there must be a better way to handle the situation and that Masamune is in the wrong.

Now, this episode is packed with surprises, and Toru’s outburst is just the beginning. Hotaru, being a woman of action, takes matters into her own hands to make amends with Masamune. She pays a visit to Midori at the hospital and points a gun at his face. Yes, you read that right. Out of all people, she goes to Midori and challenges him to a fight. Midori senses the rift in Masamune’s team and decides to talk to Hotaru first. However, she insists on fighting him, and Midori accepts her challenge. The episode ends with Midori donning his evil persona, inviting Hotaru to the place where their showdown will take place.

Notable Characters
It’s finally all coming together in this anime, with each character assuming a vital role in the story. This new conflict will ultimately benefit Masamune’s group, but they have to overcome it first. We finally get a closer look at Masamune’s personal struggles. Though he is usually cheerful and passionate about survival gaming, previous episodes have shown that his anger towards Midori surpasses his love for the sport. Seeing him act coldly towards Hotaru provides depth to his character and opens the door for discussions about their shared past. Additionally, the opening sequence suggests that their former teammate might still make an appearance, potentially making her debut soon.

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What’s even more surprising is that Toru, who usually looks up to Masamune and follows him faithfully, expresses his anger towards him. This is the first time he challenges Masamune’s decisions, and it happens at the perfect moment. Despite his seemingly laid-back persona, Toru is perceptive, and it’s refreshing to see him voicing his opinions. Now, he has become more than just the handsome character everyone tolerates.

Hotaru’s unexpected alliance with Midori is another twist in the story. Midori is the enemy, the one who played mind games with Masamune and seemingly “killed” him in the TGC tournament. Yet, Hotaru seeks him out for advice. While her intention might be to blow off some steam by challenging him, there might also be some heartfelt advice exchanged after their fight. It’s intriguing to see her turning to Midori for support, and it’s likely that he will help her a great deal. After all, her secret is still a bombshell capable of tearing the group apart.

Predictions for the Coming Episodes
The conflict within the group will be resolved, but not without a tense confrontation involving all three members. Tears might even be shed if the show plays its cards right. This resolution has the potential to become an even more powerful moment than when Hotaru decided to share her secret.

So, buckle up for the next episode of Aoharu X Kikanjuu. It’s going to be one wild ride!
