Dances With Dragons Anime: A Missed Opportunity for an Epic Fantasy Tale

dances with dragons anime

Anime: Dances with Dragons

Season aired: Spring 2018

Number of episodes: 12

Genres: Drama, Action, Fantasy

Have you ever watched an anime that left you feeling both overwhelmed and underwhelmed at the same time? That’s exactly what Dances with Dragons did to me. As an anime lover, I had high hopes for this series, but it fell short of delivering the captivating story I was expecting.

Based on a critically acclaimed light novel series, Dances with Dragons takes place in a world where magic is explained through science. The story follows the adventures of Gigina and Gayus, two partners in crime who always manage to find themselves in trouble.

It’s confusing that an anime adaptation of such a well-received dark fantasy has failed to live up to its potential. The story boasts heavy politics, intriguing characters, morally grey villains, and even literal dragons. However, the execution of this anime leaves much to be desired.

One of the biggest flaws of the adaptation is the lack of world-building. Throughout the episodes, the audience is never given a clear understanding of the political environment surrounding the protagonists. Countless countries and complex plots make it difficult to comprehend the motives and actions of the characters.

However, the plot does have its moments of brilliance. There are clever twists and turns that leave you impressed, especially when Gayus, the observant protagonist, figures things out. The political conflicts are well done, highlighting the dark side of governments willing to sacrifice others for their own gain. Yet, there are inconsistencies and plot holes that detract from the overall experience. Sometimes characters miraculously recover from critical wounds, regain lost limbs without explanation, or show little emotional reaction to major revelations.

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The relationship between Gigina and Gayus, while meant to provide an interesting dynamic, falls flat. The constant bickering and stereotypical roles of the fighter and strategist become tiresome. Teamwork, a common theme in anime, fails to create any significant impact in this particular series.

Despite these flaws, Dances with Dragons does have some redeeming qualities. The art and animation are visually pleasing, with fluid fight scenes and consistent quality. The soundtrack is catchy and engaging, adding depth to the overall experience.

The second arc of the story proves to be stronger than the first, as it offers a clearer understanding of different political environments through well-paced reveals and flashbacks. However, the last episode undoes much of the progress made in the second arc. Loose ends are left untied, and a rushed resolution to the final antagonist disappoints.

In conclusion, I cannot wholeheartedly recommend Dances with Dragons. While it has its high points and the second arc shows promise, the ultimate disappointment of the last episode undermines the potential for redemption.


In my personal anime rating system, which follows the standards used by Japanese anime critics, Dances with Dragons falls short.

  • Plot: 6
  • Characters: 5
  • Voice acting: 5
  • Art/Animation: 7
  • Soundtrack: 7

Total: 30

Multiplier: 2


While Dances with Dragons may appeal to some viewers, it ultimately fails to deliver on its potential as an epic fantasy anime.
