Futaba Persona 5 Voice Actor: The Harsh Reality Behind AI Replicating Voices

futaba persona 5 voice actor

Have you ever wondered what it would be like to have your voice replicated by artificial intelligence (AI) and used for someone else’s purposes? For Erica Lindbeck, the voice behind Futaba in Persona 5, this nightmare became a reality. Lindbeck recently deleted her Twitter account due to the relentless harassment she received following the emergence of a video that used AI to mimic her voice as Futaba.

At first, Lindbeck and other voice actors took action and requested the removal of the video. It seemed like a typical situation, right? Unfortunately, things quickly spiraled out of control when the video started reappearing on different accounts. The feeling of violation grew as her voice was used without her consent for someone else’s personal gain. The backlash that followed prompted Lindbeck to make the difficult decision of deleting her Twitter account.

Lindbeck’s experience shed light on the concerns shared by many voice actors in the industry regarding AI. Erin Fitzgerald, known for her role as Chie Satonaka in Persona 4, expressed her worries on Twitter, stating that she no longer feels comfortable recording voicelines for fans, fearing that they may end up being used to create AI replicas.

The issue goes beyond personal discomfort. Kyle McCarley, another voice actor, explained the potential dangers associated with AI replicating voices. Actors do not own their performances, and unauthorized use of their voices can harm their reputation with clients. Moreover, if the artificial voice replicas are convincing enough, clients might mistakenly believe that the actor said something inappropriate or hateful.

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The animation and voice acting sectors currently lack the protections against AI that writers and actors fought for during the WGA writer’s strike. The industry needs to address this matter urgently to ensure the wellbeing and creative freedom of voice actors.

The incident involving Erica Lindbeck serves as a wake-up call for both the entertainment industry and its fans. The power of AI is growing rapidly, and it is crucial to establish guidelines and safeguards to protect the rights and privacy of voice actors. Let us stand with the voice actors and support their fight for a secure and respectful working environment.

Written by Josh Broadwell on behalf of Fecomic.

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