Learning to Love At Your Feet

love your feet

As a yoga teacher, my life is filled with love and gratitude for all the students who journey with me. Each person opens up to me in a vulnerable and genuine way, and I feel privileged to hold that space. Witnessing the incredible transformations that people undergo never fails to amaze me. Today, I want to share a story that beautifully captures the essence of learning to love your feet.

Sometimes, when I express my love for feet, I wonder if I sound like a fetishist instead of a yoga teacher. Truth be told, I never had a special connection with my own feet. Although my grandmother always requested foot massages, I never fully engaged with the idea. I have what some would consider “good feet,” with normal arches and no major concerns. However, it wasn’t until I started practicing and teaching yoga that I began to realize how differently people related to their own feet.

During my time practicing Ashtanga yoga in the East Village, I had a teacher whose feet were in a terrible condition. Ashtanga is a practice that requires spending a significant amount of time close to the ground, and the teachers’ feet often come into close proximity with students’ faces. Words cannot adequately describe the dry, cracked, and calloused state of this teacher’s feet—it resembled a desolate salt flat.

On another occasion, I invited a friend to join me at a yoga center, but he hesitated when he learned that practicing barefoot was a requirement. We left without stepping foot inside, and another friend later mentioned, “I’ve never seen his feet before.”

Then there was a client who refused to touch or let her husband touch her feet. It was clear that something deeper was at play. Perhaps a childhood surgery had traumatized her, leading her to distance herself from her own feet. While it was just a theory, I suggested that she start by learning to touch her own feet and receiving foot massages from her husband every night.

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Everyone has a different story when it comes to their feet, but one thing remains clear: we can all benefit from falling in love with our feet or, at the very least, establishing a steady relationship with them. Let’s treat our feet as if they were a new romantic partner and be on our best behavior. By learning to love our feet, they will undoubtedly thank us for it.

So, let’s start the journey of self-discovery and nourish our feet with love and care. Remember, at Fecomic, we believe that every step we take is an opportunity to nurture our minds, bodies, and souls. Let’s cherish our feet and embrace the joy they bring to our lives.
