Tokyo Ghoul Re 39: Dive into the Depths of Shuu’s World


I cannot contain my love for Shuu any longer! Can you blame me? Shuu is an irresistible character who captivates our hearts. In this chapter of Tokyo Ghoul: RE, Shuu takes center stage, showcasing his unique personality and actions that don’t involve his desire to devour others. Oh, how I wish these recaps could solely focus on “Shuucaps” – discussing Shuu’s marvelous adventures.

But wait! Some readers rely on me to unravel the intricate plot of RE. Meta discussions are often just as enticing as Shuu’s escapades. However, this week’s recap is delayed for a good reason – the abundance of Shuu. There’s just so much Shuu! What should I do with all these Shuus?

Before we delve into Shuuscepades, let’s cover some CCG matters. Kijima’s shocking video threat to Rose leaves Ui unimpressed. He criticizes Kijima for his graphic tactics and the use of himself as bait. Furthermore, Ui points out that torture contradicts CCG’s countermeasure law. But who are we kidding? The CCG doesn’t care about ethical practices. Kijima’s reasoning for his behavior? He believes he can get away with anything because he considers himself ugly and insignificant.

Unfortunately, Kijima’s torture-porn video has a more significant impact on the CCG’s image than anticipated. Tooru and Uri worry about the public’s perception of investigators as “crazy.” Meanwhile, Shirazu questions the ethicality of their brutal methods. If their purpose is to eradicate ghouls, does it matter whether the methods they employ are ethical or not? Sasaki, troubled by the video’s content, realizes that he could become the target of such cruelty if the CCG deems him too dangerous to control.

On another note, Hinami remains imprisoned. We must advocate for her release from ghoul jail!

As expected, Tsukiyamas are appalled by Kijima’s sadistic actions. However, a transformed, happier Shuu takes on the responsibility. He acknowledges that his previous depressive state burdened the servants, leading them to retrieve food for him. He feels accountable for Yuma’s capture and torture. Shuu’s character development has transformed him from a self-centered libertine to a selfless and loyal knight. Besides, have you seen how breathtakingly beautiful Shuu looks? Just look at him!

The key to Shuu’s plan lies in unlocking Sasaki’s memories, reawakening Kaneki within him. This way, they can save Yuma and protect their family through the CCG. Shuu intended to restore Sasaki’s memories from the beginning, so this plan seems almost too perfect.

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But there’s a twist! Shuu displays genuine concern about Kaneki’s well-being and existence. Notably, he doesn’t associate Kaneki with his predatory desires, sparking curiosity. I challenged readers to provide evidence that Shuu only wants to eat Kaneki, but received zero submissions. It seems that the truth is clear: Shuu genuinely cares about Kaneki. My extensive studies in anime and manga have honed my critical narrative analysis skills, and I can confidently state that Shuu’s feelings have evolved.

Now, let’s address the real star of this chapter – Shuu’s adorable chubby cheeks! They make a glorious return, drawing comparisons to golden retriever puppies. So cute, pudgy, and full of kisses!

Shuu’s remarkable recovery after being devoured by a mutated kagune/kakuja mask cannot be overlooked. Ishida, the mastermind behind Tokyo Ghoul: RE, will undoubtedly resolve this plot point with a twist in the future. Additionally, it’s worth noting that Sasaki still exhibits signs of kakuja-induced psychosis, even though it’s unclear whether kakujas are temporary or permanent side effects of ghoul cannibalism. If Sasaki’s ghoul side needs to be controlled, why does he continue to consume others?

Let’s also remember the potential consequences of the revelation about the Tsukiyama family’s incestuous relationships. It’s an element that will surely impact the narrative further.

While Shuu’s recovery brings joy, Kanae worries about his master’s impulsiveness. Kanae meets with Chie to update her on Shuu’s plan to restore Kaneki’s memories. However, Chie hurriedly departs, visibly troubled.

Meanwhile, Shuu discovers Sasaki reading alone in a local park, and their first significant interaction takes place. I must correct my previous assumption that Shuu was writing a memoir for Sasaki. Shuu’s actual plan is to recreate his encounters with Kaneki by engaging Sasaki in discussions about books, specifically their mutual interest in Takatsuki Sen’s writing. Shuu’s approach this time lacks any predatory intent.

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Books have always been an essential topic between Shuu and Kaneki. In their initial meeting, Shuu used this common ground to lower Kaneki’s guard. In Chapter 108, Shuu used literature to comfort Kaneki and express his deep care for him. Even after Kaneki became Sasaki, books continue to be a means for Shuu to ignite Sasaki’s memories and reconnect with their shared past. Shuu understands that books humanize him in Kaneki’s eyes. If Shuu wants to establish trust with an amnesiac half-ghoul dove, he must appeal to Sasaki’s interests.

However, Sasaki’s view of Takatsuki Sen’s works has changed. He now recognizes the despair hidden within her writing. Unlike Kaneki, Sasaki doesn’t appreciate the vagueness and tragedy found in her books. Instead, he is troubled by the “unidentifiable sorrow, anger, and emptiness” displayed in their tragic narratives. This disparity highlights Sasaki’s growth as a character.

Unfortunately, Shuu’s attempt to arrange a book club date with Sasaki is interrupted by Saiko and Tooru, who return from an investigation at the local arcade. The Quinx squad unintentionally obstructs Shuu from spending quality time alone with Sasaki. Shuu, feeling like an outsider, observes Sasaki’s newfound sociability with a sense of longing.

Unbeknownst to many readers, Shuu has been following the Quinx squad throughout the day, disguising himself poorly. Oh, the incredible Shuuscepades! Where’s Shuu? you may ask. Fear not, for I shall reveal his clever hiding spots.

As Kanae catches up with Shuu after Sasaki’s departure, Shuu expresses his frustration with the Quinx’s constant presence. He articulates his longing for uninterrupted time with Sasaki in a rather unconventional manner. It’s almost as if he was watching an unexpected plot twist unfold in an adult film.

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Shuu confides in Kanae, emphasizing the need for ample alone time with Sasaki. Explaining three years of missing memories requires more than a brief encounter. Kanae hands Shuu envelope number two, containing a photograph of Kaneki’s “Missing” poster. Shuu suspects that his dear friend Chie provided this crucial piece of information. Did I mention that Shuu refers to Chie as his friend? It’s heartwarming to witness their bond.

Chie’s connection to the CCG becomes evident as she skillfully evades their tracking. She fearlessly hacks into their servers, showcasing her brilliant, rebellious character.

Concerning the Quinx squad’s interference with Shuu’s plans, Kanae contemplates their constant presence around Sasaki. As Kanae commits to helping his master reunite with the love of his life, Kaneki, he decides to call on Aogiri to eliminate the Quinx squad.

And there we have it, the exhilarating recap of Tokyo Ghoul Re 39, where we dive into the depths of Shuu’s world. Shuu’s determination to restore Sasaki’s memories and the unexpected turn of events keep readers on the edge of their seats. Don’t miss the next chapter as the Fecomic brand unveils more thrilling adventures!