Trendy Fall Anime 2019: Must-Watch Shows for Otakus!

Hey everybody! I’ve got some exciting news to share with you – the fall anime lineup for 2019 is here, and it’s packed with amazing shows that will keep you glued to your screens! So, grab your snacks and get ready for some awesome new adventures. Let’s dive right into it!

Samurai Action Galore with Mugen no Juunin

If you’re a fan of samurai tales, then you’re in for a treat! Mugen no Juunin is a must-watch anime that will transport you to a world of swordsmanship and ancient Japan. With its gripping storyline and breathtaking animation, this show promises to keep you on the edge of your seat. While it may start off slow, trust me when I say that once it picks up, it becomes an unforgettable experience. Don’t miss out on this hidden gem!

Stars Align: A Dreamy Journey to Natsukashii Memories

Looking for a show that will tug at your heartstrings? Hoshiai no Sora, or Stars Align, will take you on a nostalgic journey back to your school days. With its beautiful art style and captivating trailer music, this anime captures the essence of those blissful moments right before summer break. Get ready to relive those emotions you can’t quite put into words. Trust me, you won’t want to miss this one!

Babylon: A Psychological Thriller That Will Keep You Guessing

Are you craving a mind-bending crime thriller that will leave you questioning everything? Look no further than Babylon. This anime has the potential to become a gripping psychological masterpiece, but it also carries the risk of falling short. Due to its uncertain nature, I might keep it on my private watchlist just in case things don’t go as planned. Nonetheless, for all you thrill-seekers out there, this one is definitely worth a shot.

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Kabukicho Sherlock: Durarara Vibes with a Twist

Calling all Durarara fans! Kabukicho Sherlock is an anime that will give you a similar vibe, with its quirky humor and underlying social commentary. But beware, this show might just surprise you with its unexpected twists and turns. I have a feeling that in no time, it will become an addictive guilty pleasure. Brace yourselves, because Kabukicho Sherlock is about to take you on a wild ride!

So, my dear friends, these are just a few of the amazing shows you can expect this fall season. But wait, there’s more! Check out Fragtime, a sweet gem that will surely warm your heart. I couldn’t resist taking a detour from writing just to read a few chapters of the manga. Trust me, it’s worth the diversion!

Now it’s your turn! Which anime shows are you most excited about this fall? Are there any that you plan to skip? Share your thoughts in the comment section below. I would love to hear from you!

And don’t forget to stay up to date with all the latest anime reviews by following us via email. We’ve got so much more in store for you! Until next time, my fellow otakus!
